The following is my Vivid Vision—a 3 year vision of what our business will look, feel, and be like by July 1, 2024.
By bringing our future to our present focus, we gain clarity on what’s most important as well as what we’re building together as a team.

The following is my Vivid Vision—a 3 year vision of what our business will look, feel, and be like by July 1, 2024.
By bringing our future to our present focus, we gain clarity on what’s most important as well as what we’re building together as a team.

Why I Do What I Do
We help entrepreneurs and experts elevate their brands and reach more people, so they can make their biggest impact. In doing so, we’re creating more role models who inspire others and transform the world.

Why I Do What I Do
We help entrepreneurs and experts elevate their brands and reach more people, so they can make their biggest impact. In doing so, we’re creating more role models who inspire others and transform the world.
We Embody Excellence
We strive to be the best we can, inside and out. We show up as leaders in our industry by creating beautiful, high-quality and transformational brand experiences—from our paid offerings to our free content. Our level of excellence inspires our students, partners and peers to be the best they can be as well.
We Are Thoughtfully Intentional
We believe in less, but better. We are selective in our pursuits—choosing to invest our time, energy and creativity in what will make the biggest impact. We are careful about shiny objects and business distractions, carefully weighing the real cost of breaking our focus and adding one new thing to our plate. We often ask ourselves, “How does this fit into the bigger picture?” and “How can I work smarter, not harder?”
We Show Up With Kindness and Respect
We treat our customers, clients and community with respect and care. As team members, we feel valued and respected by each other. In our programming and marketing, we are mindful of being inclusive and showing people that they matter to us.
We Are Passionate About Learning and Growing
We work on developing ourselves, personally and professionally. We self-reflect and pursue opportunities to grow into the kindest, wisest, and highest version of ourselves. We understand that individual personal growth directly translates to success inside the business and in our relationships with others. We also invest the time to grow in our area of expertise (for example: marketing, sales, coaching, operations, customer service, tech) and stay on the cutting-edge of changes and developments in the online business, education, public relations and media industries.
We Are In It To Win It
We show up like competitive athletes. We are healthy and strong. We have a gameplan for hitting our targets and goals. We play to win, and build in downtime to rest and rejuvenate. We are long-term thinkers. We have the systems, structures and support to make success inevitable.
We Embody Excellence
We strive to be the best we can, inside and out. We show up as leaders in our industry by creating beautiful, high-quality and transformational brand experiences—from our paid offerings to our free content. Our level of excellence inspires our students, partners and peers to be the best they can be as well.
We Are Thoughtfully Intentional
We believe in less, but better. We are selective in our pursuits—choosing to invest our time, energy and creativity in what will make the biggest impact. We are careful about shiny objects and business distractions, carefully weighing the real cost of breaking our focus and adding one new thing to our plate. We often ask ourselves, “How does this fit into the bigger picture?” and “How can I work smarter, not harder?”
We Show Up With Kindness and Respect
We treat our customers, clients and community with respect and care. As team members, we feel valued and respected by each other. In our programming and marketing, we are mindful of being inclusive and showing people that they matter to us.
We Are Passionate About Learning and Growing
We work on developing ourselves, personally and professionally. We self-reflect and pursue opportunities to grow into the kindest, wisest, and highest version of ourselves. We understand that individual personal growth directly translates to success inside the business and in our relationships with others. We also invest the time to grow in our area of expertise (for example: marketing, sales, coaching, operations, customer service, tech) and stay on the cutting-edge of changes and developments in the online business, education, public relations and media industries.
We Are In It To Win It
We show up like competitive athletes. We are healthy and strong. We have a gameplan for hitting our targets and goals. We play to win, and build in downtime to rest and rejuvenate. We are long-term thinkers. We have the systems, structures and support to make success inevitable.
Our company has two primary divisions: leveraged group programs and private 1:1 offerings.
We have two main group programs:
- IMPACTING MILLIONS is our signature publicity training program which helps entrepreneurs and experts land media, no matter their stage of business. It generates $2M – $4M+ per year.
- IMPACT ACCELERATOR is for business owners generating consistent revenue who are ready to scale to six or multiple six figures through publicity, partnerships and promotions. This offering generates over seven figures per year.
Our private 1:1 offerings consist of PR agency and publicity coaching services. This is another seven figure revenue stream in our business.
Our company has two primary divisions: leveraged group programs and private 1:1 offerings.
We have two main group programs:
- IMPACTING MILLIONS is our signature publicity training program which helps entrepreneurs and experts land media, no matter their stage of business. It generates $2M – $4M+ per year.
- IMPACT ACCELERATOR is for business owners generating consistent revenue who are ready to scale to six or multiple six figures through publicity, partnerships and promotions. This offering generates over seven figures per year.
Our private 1:1 offerings consist of PR agency and publicity coaching services. This is another seven figure revenue stream in our business.

By 2024, I’m exploring a traditional book deal and talking to literary agents and friends who’ve published successful books.
My future book, Impacting Millions, is about becoming a role model by sharing your personal story, advice and gifts—and in the process changing the world. The book includes advice and stories from me and my team, as well as clients and students, inspiring entrepreneurs and notable people in the media.
Because of our highly-engaged following on email and Instagram, deep relationships with media and influencers, and phenomenal publicity and marketing plan, the book will ultimately receive a multiple six-figure advance.
When the book is finally published in 2028, it becomes an international bestseller on major publishing lists like the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.
It’s so fun for me to see pictures on Instagram of people taking my book to the beach or reading it by the pool, in bed, or on the subway. The book is in the hands of tens of thousands of people who can use it to empower themselves and transform more lives.

By 2024, I’m exploring a traditional book deal and talking to literary agents and friends who’ve published successful books.
My future book, Impacting Millions, is about becoming a role model by sharing your personal story, advice and gifts—and in the process changing the world. The book includes advice and stories from me and my team, as well as clients and students, inspiring entrepreneurs and notable people in the media.
Because of our highly-engaged following on email and Instagram, deep relationships with media and influencers, and phenomenal publicity and marketing plan, the book will ultimately receive a multiple six-figure advance.
When the book is finally published in 2028, it becomes an international bestseller on major publishing lists like the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.
It’s so fun for me to see pictures on Instagram of people taking my book to the beach or reading it by the pool, in bed, or on the subway. The book is in the hands of tens of thousands of people who can use it to empower themselves and transform more lives.
Holy cow! We effortlessly attract the best clients and customers into our programs and services.
They have a big vision and are doing mission-driven work to change people’s lives. They show up powerfully in our offerings, because they’re ready to do the work to get big results.
We set them up to win, and establish clear expectations and healthy boundaries in our working relationship.
If someone is not an energetic match for our offerings, we bless and release them. This allows us to pour our time, energy and attention into people who are a joy to work with and eager to grow with our support.

Holy cow! We effortlessly attract the best clients and customers into our programs and services.
They have a big vision and are doing mission-driven work to change people’s lives. They show up powerfully in our offerings, because they’re ready to do the work to get big results.
We set them up to win, and establish clear expectations and healthy boundaries in our working relationship.
If someone is not an energetic match for our offerings, we bless and release them. This allows us to pour our time, energy and attention into people who are a joy to work with and eager to grow with our support.


Our powerhouse, virtual team is a mix of full-time employees, regular contractors and seasonal support who primarily live in the United States.
There are three main divisions:
- 1) Marketing and Sales. This includes 1:1 and group sales, affiliate partnerships, copywriting, social media, internal PR and graphic design.
- 2) Operations. This includes project management, tech and customer service.
- 3) Program Fulfillment. This includes our program coaches, community management team, program content creators and our robust PR agency.
We take the time to understand our team members’ unique gifts and preferences. Our goal is to maximize the ease and joy they feel as they operate in their genius zone.
As a team, we can count on each other to do what we say—and to do it on time. We have clear owners for tasks and projects, who take personal responsibility for bringing things through to the finish line.
Every team member understands their unique role in the company’s growth. We stay laser focused on the most important things we need to personally accomplish to help the company reach its goals.
We take responsibility for the energy we bring into the room (such as in meetings and with clients) as we understand that our energy affects others. Our tone is just as important as our words. The way we show up and interact with others is just one of the ways we role model excellence and leadership.
Every time we meet as a team, we can’t help but think about how valuable and productive our time spent together was. We also plan sprints and batching days, where we can focus on deep work either individually or in small groups. We feel blessed to be on a team of people we love and respect.
We are willing to have courageous conversations with one another. When given the gift of feedback, we receive it with an open mind and take the time to self-reflect and come up with solutions.

Our powerhouse, virtual team is a mix of full-time employees, regular contractors and seasonal support who primarily live in the United States.
There are three main divisions:
- 1) Marketing and Sales. This includes 1:1 and group sales, affiliate partnerships, copywriting, social media, internal PR and graphic design.
- 2) Operations. This includes project management, tech and customer service.
- 3) Program Fulfillment. This includes our program coaches, community management team, program content creators and our robust PR agency.
We take the time to understand our team members’ unique gifts and preferences. Our goal is to maximize the ease and joy they feel as they operate in their genius zone.
As a team, we can count on each other to do what we say—and to do it on time. We have clear owners for tasks and projects, who take personal responsibility for bringing things through to the finish line.
Every team member understands their unique role in the company’s growth. We stay laser focused on the most important things we need to personally accomplish to help the company reach its goals.
We take responsibility for the energy we bring into the room (such as in meetings and with clients) as we understand that our energy affects others. Our tone is just as important as our words. The way we show up and interact with others is just one of the ways we role model excellence and leadership.
Every time we meet as a team, we can’t help but think about how valuable and productive our time spent together was. We also plan sprints and batching days, where we can focus on deep work either individually or in small groups. We feel blessed to be on a team of people we love and respect.
We are willing to have courageous conversations with one another. When given the gift of feedback, we receive it with an open mind and take the time to self-reflect and come up with solutions.

We are in the business of creating win-win partnerships, aligning ourselves with high-integrity entrepreneurs who are driven by impact. Over 500 entrepreneurs have enthusiastically promoted Impacting Millions since its creation in 2016, our signature publicity program, because they truly believe in it. We reward our partners through generous commissions, tropical retreats, virtual masterminds, and other fun and exclusive experiences.
Our marketing & sales leaders stay on the cutting-edge by carefully studying what’s working and changing in our industry, especially when it comes to launching, partnerships, social media and virtual events. We lean on best in class mentors to advise us on our growth, while staying true to ourselves and paying attention to what feels easeful and joyful.
Our strong brand, valuable free content and powerful digital presence wows people. We’ve cracked the code to steadily growing our Instagram following and creating engaging content that gets us more leads and sales. Plus, prospective clients and customers are pre-sold into working with us well before an offer is even made.
We hear people say things like: “You’ve been on my vision board, and I’m so excited to finally invest in your program!” and “You came up during my meditation as the solution to get me to the next level.”
Our sales team gets high conversions that outperform industry averages.
As the company founder, I regularly appear in the media and on virtual stages talking about using publicity to grow your business—from mainstream outlets like Forbes, Entrepreneur and Business Insider to top tier masterminds and membership communities of ideal clients and customers.
I also inspire others by sharing my personal story about being in and ultimately leaving an emotionally abusive relationship as a strong and successful woman. I’m featured in top media like Dr. Oz, Elle, and Tilted, Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In podcast.

We are in the business of creating win-win partnerships, aligning ourselves with high-integrity entrepreneurs who are driven by impact. Over 500 entrepreneurs have enthusiastically promoted Impacting Millions since its creation in 2016, our signature publicity program, because they truly believe in it. We reward our partners through generous commissions, tropical retreats, virtual masterminds, and other fun and exclusive experiences.
Our marketing & sales leaders stay on the cutting-edge by carefully studying what’s working and changing in our industry, especially when it comes to launching, partnerships, social media and virtual events. We lean on best in class mentors to advise us on our growth, while staying true to ourselves and paying attention to what feels easeful and joyful.
Our strong brand, valuable free content and powerful digital presence wows people. We’ve cracked the code to steadily growing our Instagram following and creating engaging content that gets us more leads and sales. Plus, prospective clients and customers are pre-sold into working with us well before an offer is even made.
We hear people say things like: “You’ve been on my vision board, and I’m so excited to finally invest in your program!” and “You came up during my meditation as the solution to get me to the next level.”
Our sales team gets high conversions that outperform industry averages.
As the company founder, I regularly appear in the media and on virtual stages talking about using publicity to grow your business—from mainstream outlets like Forbes, Entrepreneur and Business Insider to top tier masterminds and membership communities of ideal clients and customers.
I also inspire others by sharing my personal story about being in and ultimately leaving an emotionally abusive relationship as a strong and successful woman. I’m featured in top media like Dr. Oz, Elle, and Tilted, Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In podcast.

People are always impressed by how organized and effective our team is.
Our goals are clearly mapped out and broken down into great detail. We come up with elegant solutions to operational challenges. Our spreadsheets are a thing of beauty. As team members, we have organizational systems that make it easy for us to find what we need amidst all our documents, spreadsheets, graphics and videos.
Because we plan far in advance and are masterful problem-solvers, we complete projects on time and with relative ease.

People are always impressed by how organized and effective our team is.
Our goals are clearly mapped out and broken down into great detail. We come up with elegant solutions to operational challenges. Our spreadsheets are a thing of beauty. As team members, we have organizational systems that make it easy for us to find what we need amidst all our documents, spreadsheets, graphics and videos.
Because we plan far in advance and are masterful problem-solvers, we complete projects on time and with relative ease.

In our group programs, our customers are supported by a team of talented coaches and professionals vs. a sole individual. We do a great job of fostering an engaged community. We make it easy for our clients to generate meaningful wins and achieve personal breakthroughs. People often tell us how much they love our programs on live calls as well as via email and feedback surveys.
We have an in-house PR agency that runs smoothly and effectively. We have clear goals for client media campaigns that we consistently hit. Our team of media experts and publicists are highly skilled at crafting compelling story ideas and pitches that capture the media’s interest. Plus, we’re proactive about creating and nurturing relationships with the media that give us a foot in the door.
We document client and customer success stories that we can use for the book Impacting Millions.

In our group programs, our customers are supported by a team of talented coaches and professionals vs. a sole individual. We do a great job of fostering an engaged community. We make it easy for our clients to generate meaningful wins and achieve personal breakthroughs. People often tell us how much they love our programs on live calls as well as via email and feedback surveys.
We have an in-house PR agency that runs smoothly and effectively. We have clear goals for client media campaigns that we consistently hit. Our team of media experts and publicists are highly skilled at crafting compelling story ideas and pitches that capture the media’s interest. Plus, we’re proactive about creating and nurturing relationships with the media that give us a foot in the door.
We document client and customer success stories that we can use for the book Impacting Millions.

We know and can easily access our program numbers – from webinar show up rates, sales conversion rates and refund rates. We use historical data to make smart business decisions to plan our growth.
We track profitability per product line and strategize on smart ways to reduce costs, resulting in healthy profits that we feel great about for all our offerings.
Monthly finance reports give key leaders a strong pulse on the financial health of the company. We have cash reserves equivalent to three months of company expenses at all times.

We know and can easily access our program numbers – from webinar show up rates, sales conversion rates and refund rates. We use historical data to make smart business decisions to plan our growth.
We track profitability per product line and strategize on smart ways to reduce costs, resulting in healthy profits that we feel great about for all our offerings.
Monthly finance reports give key leaders a strong pulse on the financial health of the company. We have cash reserves equivalent to three months of company expenses at all times.

As the company founder and leader, I feel deeply supported by my team members, who are aligned with our company’s mission, values and goals.
The team supports me in staying focused on the unique ways I can make the biggest impact for the company, which include:
- Developing business strategy and generating breakthrough ideas
- Creating a joyful work environment and establishing company culture
- Cultivating partner, media and influencer relationships
- Working on my personal and professional growth
- Writing, teaching, speaking and appearing in the media
- Creating intellectual property
I have at least one day a week with no meetings, where I can quietly plan, strategize and focus on deep work without interruption. This creates spaciousness in my life that allows me to be my most creative.
I feel proud about how efficient I am with my time and the white space I see on my calendar.

As the company founder and leader, I feel deeply supported by my team members, who are aligned with our company’s mission, values and goals.
The team supports me in staying focused on the unique ways I can make the biggest impact for the company, which include:
- Developing business strategy and generating breakthrough ideas
- Creating a joyful work environment and establishing company culture
- Cultivating partner, media and influencer relationships
- Working on my personal and professional growth
- Writing, teaching, speaking and appearing in the media
- Creating intellectual property
I have at least one day a week with no meetings, where I can quietly plan, strategize and focus on deep work without interruption. This creates spaciousness in my life that allows me to be my most creative.
I feel proud about how efficient I am with my time and the white space I see on my calendar.
I also take an annual 3-week vacation to dream destinations such as Bali, Santorini and the Amalfi Coast. I’m amazed at how self-sufficient my team is. In fact, sometimes it feels like more work gets done when I’m not around!
I feel powerful and unstoppable because of the strength of our team, our commitment to professional and personal development, the excellence in which our programs are delivered and the win-win relationships we’ve cultivated that allow us to get in front of bigger audiences and transform more lives.
I feel fully self-expressed and successful. I’m living my true purpose. I express the ideas and thoughts I’m most passionate about through writing, speaking and teaching, while honoring my unique strengths and preferences—and having lots of fun along the way!

I also take an annual 3-week vacation to dream destinations such as Bali, Santorini and the Amalfi Coast. I’m amazed at how self-sufficient my team is. In fact, sometimes it feels like more work gets done when I’m not around!
I feel powerful and unstoppable because of the strength of our team, our commitment to professional and personal development, the excellence in which our programs are delivered and the win-win relationships we’ve cultivated that allow us to get in front of bigger audiences and transform more lives.
I feel fully self-expressed and successful. I’m living my true purpose. I express the ideas and thoughts I’m most passionate about through writing, speaking and teaching, while honoring my unique strengths and preferences—and having lots of fun along the way!